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Feb. 24th thru March 25th Local Events


A previous performance from the Roane County Children’s Theater, the International Festival at the Oak Ridge Children’s Museum, the J.R. Drake Rodeo in Waynesville, North Carolina. Photo Credits: Shea James (Roane County News), The Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge, and Shelby Harrell (The Mountaineer).

February 24-25: Robin Hood and His Merry Men Performance by the Roane County Children’s

Theater at the Princess Theater

February 25: Harriman Police Department Driver’s Safety Course at the Harriman Municipal

Building in the Police Training Room

February 25: International Festival at the Oak Ridge Children’s Museum

February 26: The Kingdom Heirs Concert at the Princess Theater

March 3-4: J.R. Drake Rodeo at Roane State Community College Expo Center

March 3-4: Northern Rock Racing Series Hillclimbing at Windrock Park

March 4: Oak Ridge Calhoun’s Ten Miler Race

March 4: Harriman Police Department Driver’s Safety Course at the Harriman Municipal

Building in the Police Training Room

March 10-19: God of Carnage at the Oak Ridge Playhouse

March 11: Movie Night at the Museum at the Oliver Springs Historical Society

March 15-19: Shamrock Shakedown at Windrock Park

March 16-26: Windrock Bike Park Tennessee National Bike Festival

March 18: 1st Annual Winterfest Car and Bike Show at the David Webb Waterfront Park in Harriman

March 25: Spring Street Fest in Kingston

March 25: Film Festival at the Princess Theater Presented by Roane State Community College



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