ACT Test-Taking Skills
Updated: Apr 19, 2023

ACT season is upon us! This being said, here are some tips and strategies to take into account while taking the ACT:
Skip and Come Back - When working on a problem that you find to be tricky, just skip over it and move to the next, then come back at the end if you have time. Spending too much time on a hard problem will give you little time for the easier ones–meaning you have more room to make a small mistake on a simple problem.
Choose a Guess Letter - It is always best to answer all the questions on the ACT, even if it’s a guess. If you run out of time to finish, quickly bubble-in a letter of your choice. It is best if you keep this letter consistent to help boost your chances.
Get Plenty of Sleep, Eat Breakfast, and Wear Comfortable Clothing - Without these three factors, one can easily become drowsy and distracted. It is quite difficult to focus on something when you're asleep, your stomach is growling, and your clothes are causing you discomfort.
Be Aware of the Time - Depending on which portion of the ACT you are taking you have a certain amount of time and a certain amount of time for each question. Being aware of these factors can help you pace yourself and help you avoid unanswered questions.
An ACT Tip From Mrs.White!
Practice with released tests from the ACT. You can find previous tests online for free. Practice with those, using the real time limits for the test. Use your phone as a timer to make sure you stop answering questions when your time is up. Sometimes, a student knows the material but his or her pacing is off, and that factor is bringing down a score on the test.
Credits:,, Heather White.
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