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Christmas Poll Responses

Laura Beasley

We sent out a poll asking for your favorite recipes/Christmas memories. Here's the responses we got!

Photo Credit: Rodion Kutsaiev (Unsplash)


Grinch Goo-(holiday dip)


1 jar of Green pepper jelly

2 blocks of cream cheese

1 Diced onion

1/2 cup chopped pecans

Dip w/ crackers or veggies

  • Katie Melhorn, Junior

Favorite Christmas Memory:

My favorite Christmas memory is making crayons in Mrs.Haney’s room freshman year with LARRY (Laura Beasley).

  • Aspen Brown, Junior

My favorite Christmas memory was the first year my room was wrapped in wrapping paper. I woke up, opened my door, and saw a wall of paper. I yelled at my parents, "Why can I not get out of my room?" They told me to wake up my brother and we were going to run through it. Every year we have continued to run through wrapping paper and it has now become a family tradition.

  • Katie Melhorn, Junior

My favorite Christmas memory is going to my aunts house on Christmas Eve. Spending time with my family, playing holiday games, eating tons of food, and just enjoying each other's company is most definitely the highlight of every Christmas!

  • Anonymous, Junior

My favorite Christmas memory was finding my family's Elf On The Shelf. My parents and grandmother would put her in silly places and I always had such a fun time trying to find all the places she was hiding.

  • Elizabeth Bean, Freshman

My favorite Christmas memory was last year–my baby cousin's first Christmas. She was born on January 15th, so she was almost one year old. Seeing my cousin's face light up and running to all her toys–handing every one her toys. She ran up to me, jumped in my lap with a huge smile and gave me a hug then handed me a slimy piece of chocolate.

  • Anonymous, Freshman


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