Homecoming Week 2022
Updated: Dec 9, 2022
Throughout the week, students participated in many activities including: a spirit stick hunt, fundraising, and a door decorating contest, of which Ms. Channel’s PBL class won with their KISS theme. Our dress up day contest, won by the sophomores, included: Jersey Day on Monday, Neon Day on Tuesday, Country vs. Country Club on Wednesday, USA Day on Thursday, and Bobcat Pride Day on Friday. On Monday, the Homecoming Parade held precession through the streets of Oliver Springs. In addition to the Homecoming Court riding in style, students created school spirit floats representing their class. The winners of the float contest are Freshmen in 1st, Sophomores in 2nd, Juniors in 3rd, and Seniors in 4th. On Thursday, the Powderpuff game took place with the Junior/Sophomore team winning the game with a score of 6-8. On Friday, a pep rally was held in the gym with a class tug of war and dizzy bat race held outside on the football field afterwards. It all culminated in the Homecoming Football Game later that day. The winners of the homecoming court were announced before the game and are as follows: Powderpuff King Jonah Robbins with $2586.75 raised, Football Queen Madison Hooks with $5746.00 raised, and Homecoming Queen Cloe Murray. This year’s Homecoming Week was fun and full of school spirit. It’s leaving students excited for next year!
The 2022-2023 Oliver Springs Homecoming Court consisted of:
The Powderpuff King candidates:
Bryson Greene (Senior)
Hayden Wright (Junior)
Carson Nivens (Sophomore)
Jonah Robbins (Freshman)
The Football Queen candidates:
Madison Bourff (Junior)
Madison Hooks (Junior)
Katie Melhorn (Junior)
Madisen Myers (Junior)
Ava Brown (Sophomore)
Samantha Brown (Sophomore)
The Homecoming Queen candidates:
Cloe Murray (Senior)
Jada Stone (Senior)
Evie Denham (Junior)
Emilia Mcllwain (Junior)
Kadee Cox (Sophomore)
Lilly Denham (Sophomore
Brooklyn Newton (Freshman)
Kynleigh Fox (Freshman)