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How Pickles Became Frogs

Dora The Explora

Photo Credits: Dreamstime and Deposit Photos

It all started in New Jersey in 1776. These small bumpy pickles became frogs. This species evolved into this mysterious species and has evolved ever since. They develop in small bodies of water and develope over time. These pickles drop from the clouds and go into water and they eat dairy and they became frogs. These species have so many abilities. They can jump really high and hop really fast and sparkle like Edward Cullen. Ass4qswlhewhefaihlaeuf. They eat acorns. They can party like snails and they listen to music on the daily. Overtime they will devope better. The pickles is the frogs. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY and Z. Now I know my ABC’s next time wont you sing with me.


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