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MLK Jr.: Remembering His Legacy

Aspen Brown

Credits:Pew Research Center(pic)

Martin Luther King Jr. was, and still is, a very well known and beloved man. MLK Jr. was a Baptist preacher as well as a very important public figure during the Civil Rights Movement. He was a promoter of nonviolence and ending segregation. The Civil Rights Act was one of the greatest achievements of the Civil Rights era, and King’s role in creating the Act was extremely important. One of his most memorable moments was his “I Have A Dream” speech, which took place at the Lincoln Memorial. On August 28th, 1963, King gave the speech to 250,000 people. The speech was aired on ABC, CBS, and NBC, which gave the rest of the nation an opportunity to hear MLK’s “Dream.” The FBI had a large presence at the speech. They lined up 19,000 federal troops outside the event in case of rioting. After this speech, King had a large boost in followers and fans. Throughout the decade, King became a beacon of hope for the Civil Rights Movement and led the charge in passing more monumental legislation. Then, on April 4th, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee by James Earl Ray. Martin and his associates had been staying at the Lorraine Motel, when Martin, who was standing on the second floor balcony, was struck with a bullet in the neck. Nearly an hour later, King was declared dead at 39 years old. This was the end to an amazing life. Martin Luther King accomplished so many great things during his life. He cared about all people, and he wanted them to know that.




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