September thru October: Local Events
Updated: Sep 20, 2022

From concerts downtown to medieval jousting, from rocket launches to dances with ghouls, here’s some notable upcoming events in and around the community of Oliver Springs.
September 23: Oliver Springs High School Homecoming Game v.s. Oakdale
September 23: Oliver Springs High School Homecoming Dance
October 1: Rockwood Fall Festival
October 1: Pistons at the Prison at Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary
October 1-2, 8-9, 15-16 - Tennessee Medieval Faire in Harriman
October 7-8 - Three Rivers Antique Club Tractor Show and Pull at Roane State Community College
October 8: Movie Night at the Museum at the Oliver Springs Historical Society
October 8: Frozen Head State Park Heritage Day Festival
October 8: Oak Ridge Street Painting Festival
October 8: Harriman Cobbler Fest
October 13 - 15: Windrock Park Fall Jam
October 15: October Sky Festival
October 15: A Night to Dismember Prom in Harriman
October 20: Nosferatu at the Princess Theater in Harriman
October 21: Rockin’ on Roane in Harriman
October 21-22: Hauntings of Historic Harriman Tours
October 22: Historic Harriman Jeep Invasion and Cobbler Fest 2022
October 22: John Schnider and Cody McCarver at Rockwood Event Center
October 24: Oliver Springs High School MEDIC Blood Drive